Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Do You Hear Crickets?

Hi guys! I know it's been pretty quiet around here lately. That's because I'm finding it much more enjoyable to share my stories and interact with the awesome homebrewing community over on Instagram. Don't worry, I'm not shutting down this page, but until I figure out a way to integrate my IG posts into the website, it's going to stay quiet here. In the meantime, you can find me here: @drunkenborrachobrewing
If you have an Instagram account, give me a follow to stay in the loop. If you don't have an account, that's ok! You don't need one to see my pics and read posts. However, you won't be able to comment on or like anything. I promise I'll get my shit together soon and figure out something that works for all of us! Your patience is appreciated!
